On Monday you had a birthday, Baby Girl. At approximately 1:30 in the afternoon – while you were still playing or napping happily at your kita – you became one year older. How is it possible, little one, that you are this many already? This was a big year for you. It was the first year of your life without any major changes like a new little baby or a move to another country or a new school and in that relative calm you’ve thrived. You are now as fluent in German as any of your classmates and friends. I cannot tell you how proud it makes me to hear you and your brother speaking with such mastery a language I am only beginning to grasp. You conquered going to the potty in just a two short weeks and have been nappy free since October. Shortly before your birthday you decide to give up your beloved binky, placing them one by one in the pink bowl on your window sill for The Binky Fairy to take away.
These were the big things that happened this year. And, aside from the learning German, the things that should’ve happened this year because you were ready. We didn’t push you to do any of them. You made up your mind to do it on your own, and you did. I love that about you. I hope that you always have this same fierce determination to get things done.
But there are so many other things about this 3rd year to love and remember.
Your favorite colors are still pink and purple.
Your favorite thing to eat for dinner is spaghetti and meatballs. There is not a week that goes by that it is not your request for dinner.
Your favorite characters are Queen Elsa and Darth Vader.
You love to color and paint and create. Playdough is a favorite medium.
You make the most elaborate and imaginative Lego creations. You tell me, “I want to be an architect and build all the towers for you, Mama”.
You’ve learned all the words to “Let It Go” and act it out as you’re singing along. It reminds me so much of myself as a little girl, it’s almost like looking back through time. Sometimes we sing it together, you and I, and you still act it all out.
You are always singing a little German song about a butterfly.
Whenever the sun is out (kinda a rarity in Northern Europe) you run around dancing in the sunlight as shout, “Yay sun! I knew you could do it!”
Whenever there are puddles, you must splash in them. And not little feet stomps, but giant, leaping splashes.
You love swords and hold your own in great swashbuckling battles with your big brother.
You’ve always loved horses and this year you got to ride one for the first time. You were a natural!
I took you for your first haircut at a real salon. You sat in the chair perfectly still with the biggest smile on your face. Afterwards we went to a cafe for hot cocoa and cake. It was the first of what I hope will be many Girls’ Days.
You are a good little sister to your big brother, playing many games with him. I know some of them are not your cup of tea, but you give them a try anyway and usually find some fun, too.
You are a great big sister to your baby brother, helping and teaching him. I can tell already that you are going to be close to them both.
You are strong and brave and daring. You are smart and sassy and silly.
You make us smile every day with your sass and brilliance and imagination.
I hope you always dance in the sunlight and splash in the puddles and sing song about butterflies.
I love you.